Integrate games into your existing native app

Improve engagement and sales with simple games.

July 5, 2024
Integrate games into your existing native app

Did you know you can embed games into your native app?

Unity as a Library (a relatively new feature) enables your app to insert features such as augmented reality (AR), 3D/2D real-time rendering, 2D mini-games, and more. You can add this content to your current native mobile apps.

The game could do any or all of the following:

  1. Drive sales by providing incentives for users to return to your app
  2. Increase retention of users, so they stay on your app longer
  3. Augmented reality can help you showcase your products better
  4. Create a compelling loyalty program to offer your customers games as content
  5. Giveaways and competitions to boost sales
  6. Improve learning outcomes through workplace training

Games and Augmented Reality will boost your app's activity and sales

Augmented Reality can of course be used to make innovative games. But did you know it can also be used to provide a short game-like experience? This can help to help communicate what your product does.

A lot of apps are quite utilitarian, as a result of this it means once the user has done what they needed to do they leave your app pretty quickly. What if you could keep them in your app for longer? Games can help to give players a fun reason to stay on your app and this content can be embedded within your existing app. This is so that the experience of starting this experience is 100% fluid.

Contemporary scientists strongly believe play is a major part of the human experience. Implementing gaming in business strategy and education has gained significant momentum in recent years with more and more organisations enjoying the benefits.

Imagine if you could gain points and achievements at school or at work, or being allowed to use your creativity and full potential to accomplish the task at hand within a more interactive experience.

Games that use gamification and loyalty programmes have been shown to increase sales and retain users for longer periods of time. We have created many games for our clients that have a player retention of at least 45 minutes on average.

Apps do not have to be designed around games from the very beginning. Adding a game to your app is easy.

Many of our customers believe that to include games in their app, they must create a second app. This is not true anymore with Unity's new Library features. We can create a separate game that can be loaded alongside your app.

The following are just some of the benefits of gamification for your business, these include:

  • 95% percent of employees enjoy using gaming-inspired elements in their work.
  • By 2020, it is estimated that the education gamification market will reach $1.5B.
  • Gamification participants score 14 percent higher on skill-based assessments.
  • In 2018, the gamification market was estimated to be worth $5.5B.
  • Gamification inspires 72% of employees to work harder.
  • Gamification may increase newly registered business users by 600%

In skill-based assessments, Gamification participants score 14% higher.

(Source: eLearning Industry)

  • 89% of survey respondents claim that gamification makes them more motivated to complete tasks.
  • Gamified training results in only 3% of people remaining unproductive.

In 2019, 79% of employees say gamified activities have increased motivation and purpose at work.

(Source: Talent Ims)

  • Gamified software will increase employee engagement by 85%.
  • Over 97% of employees aged 45+ report that gamified activities improve the quality of their work.
  • Startups incorporate gamified activities into their strategy in 50% of cases.

In this case, the results are very clear. In addition to providing fun, games can also provide a meaningful experience. Therefore, if you want any chance of getting through to Millennials and Generation Z, games are undoubtedly the best form of communication.

"The gamification market is estimated to be worth $32 billion by 2025."

Our company has proven to be a professional for developing successful games for our clients.

To assist in driving sales through games, we can develop a game concept to suit your app. McDonald's and Burger King are two brands with popular play and win incentives built into their apps.

The decision to do this is a no-brainer especially for apps that want to stand out, compete and survive now and into the future. It is far cheaper to develop a game and the results it will yield than to gain the same potential new sales or success through traditional marketing. We can typically develop a simple game within 8 weeks, within a budget of $20-40K USD. If a game can therefore increase sales by just a modest rate, then the ROI should (depending on your total volume of sales today) return in no more than 3-6 months, thereafter providing additional profits.

To conclude if you do not have any kind of gamification system, loyalty program or competition-management tools for your app, you're at a disadvantage in making extra sales from your existing customers. Unfortunately, if you don't act now, it won't be long before your competitors do this.

Our Case Studies

The most successful games we've made

All of our clients' games have a unique purpose and a story behind how we made them together. Find out how we ensured our customers' success.

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